Popular messaging app Telegram has turned into a profitable company, with its founder Pavel Durov announcing that the platform’s total revenue exceeded $1 billion in 2024. According to TechCrunch, Telegram has achieved this milestone through the premium subscription service launched in 2022, which has attracted 12 million paid users. Durov further revealed that by the end of the year, the company will have more than $500 million in cash reserves, excluding its cryptocurrency assets.
Durov shared that Telegram repaid a significant portion of its debt this fall, stating on X, “In the last four years, Telegram raised nearly $2 billion in debt. However, this fall, we took advantage of favorable bond prices and repaid a large portion of it. There is still a lot of work ahead of us.” Earlier this year, Durov mentioned in an interview with the Financial Times that Telegram aims to achieve profitability in 2025 and has plans to go public in the future.
With over 950 million monthly active users, Telegram has added new features for business users, including an ad revenue-sharing system, opportunities to earn through paid content on channels, and the launch of a mini app store.