Microsoft is working to bring major changes in the design of Sticky Notes app for the convenience of users. News Tec Times.
Recently, Windows Insider released screenshots of FireCube’s redesigned Sticky Notes. Where the logo color of the app has been slightly changed. Sticky Notes’ involvement with the OneNote platform is primarily reflected in the logo. However, various features and functions of Sticky Notes remain the same.
According to sources, the notes will come in the same rectangular box as before. However, for the convenience of users, they will be displayed in a group called Recent Notes. A separate search bar has been added to the Sticky Notes app as part of a visual design change. Through this, users will find old notes.
On the other hand, a separate pop-out window has also been added to facilitate writing notes in the app. It will also have various rich text formatting facilities including bold, italic, underline, strikethrough.
Initially, Sticky Notes was introduced only for Windows 10. It was later added to Android and iOS devices in phases. This ensures cross device connectivity for users.