The second installment of ‘Meramat Alap’ (Dialogue on Repair) is set to take place on November 16, reflecting the opinions of various professional and social groups on key reforms needed across sectors in Bangladesh. Hosted by Voice for Reform, this day-long event will be held at the Abdul Karim Sahitya Bisharad Auditorium of the Bangla Academy near Dhaka University.
Starting at 10 a.m., the first session will address employment solutions and tackling the educated unemployment crisis, with key speakers including BDjobs founder Fahim Mashroor, Rubaiyat Sarwar, CEO of Innovation Consulting, and economist Dr. Rushidan Rahman.
At noon, the discussion will turn to actionable solutions for Dhaka’s traffic congestion, followed by a 3 p.m. session on improving public welfare by addressing administrative reform issues. The final session will examine proportional representation in elections, assessing its potential to promote inclusive democracy or pose risks.