The officers and employees working in Bangladesh Betar (Radio Bangladesh) have called for batch-based promotion including appointment of Director General by promotion from the unified BCS (Information) cadre and organization, revising the proposed appointment rules for non-cadre officers and employees and perpetuating the posts and promotion of Bangladesh Betar’s own artists.
These demands were placed by Bangladesh Betar in Agargaon administrative area on Monday, in front of the main gate of Dhaka Centre of Bangladesh Betar. Hundreds of radio officers and artists participated in this human chain under the leadership of Anwar Hossain Mridha, convener of ‘BCS (Information) General Radio Officer Welfare Association’.
From the human chain under the banner of ‘BCS Information General Radio Officers Welfare Association’, it has been informed that, there are four sub-cadres in BCS (Information). In sending applications for the post of Deputy Secretary, among these four sub-cadres, one sub-cadre Mass Communication/PID receives 10 applications per year against 136 base posts; while setting a precedent of gross discrimination against 323 base posts from 3 sub-cadres of BCS Information Cadre of Bangladesh Betar. Only 10 applications have been accepted. The protestors want to abolish this discrimination.
They also said that the 9th, 13th and 15th BCS officers of Bangladesh Betar are still in 4th grade. Also, the officers of 24th to 27th BCS are in 6th grade most of whom are serving for more than 14 years and most of the officers of 9th grade of 28th to 35th BCS are not promoted for about 8 to 14 years. This deprivation must end, they demand.