Duet Chhatra League’s leaders and activists have spent about 1 lakh 35 thousand 195 Tk within six months of re-launching DUET Shahid Mostafa Cafeteria. Canteen Manager Md. Monir told the matter to DUET Journalists Association.
Aa accounted by the manager, out of this outstanding amount, DUET Chhatra League general secretary Mahmudur Rahman Manna has to pay about 25,000 taka in the last six months, Chhatra League president Mizanur Rahman Mithun has to pay 6,000 taka, Chhatra League leader Tuhin has to pay about 23,000 taka, Raju has to pay 17,000 taka, Pratap has to pay 5,000 taka. Apart from these few notable Chhatra League leaders, the total outstanding amount crosses more than one lakh taka.
In this regard, he said to the members of the journalists’ association, “Since the opening of the canteen in the last six months, activists and supporters of the BCL have started taking food in the cafeteria. So far, they have left about 1 lakh 35 thousand taka outstanding. Among them, there are top leaders of DUET Chhatra League.
He also said that some students have already been contacted, they said that they are willing to return the dues, but we have not received any satisfactory response from those who have owed large amounts.
Duet’s Shahid Mustafa Cafeteria was closed after the COVID 19 pandemic. Later, under the pressure of the students, the university authorities again opened the cafeteria.