4 officials including VC and Registrar of Dinajpur Haji Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU) have resigned amidst the ultimatum. In the face of the demands of teachers-officers-employees and ordinary students, they had no way but to resign. Those who resigned are: University Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. M. Kamruzzaman, Proctor Professor Dr. Mamunur Rashid, student advisor Professor Dr. Mahbub Hossain and Registrar Professor Dr. Md. Saifur Rahman.
They resigned in the morning on Saturday citing personal reasons. President of HSTU Teachers’ Association and Professor of Microbiology Department Dr. Md. Mostafizur Rahman confirmed the matter to the media and said that according to the rules, it is known that the Vice Chancellor has submitted their resignation letter to the Chancellor of the University and the Proctor, Student Counselor and Registrar to the appropriate authorities. In this regard, while attempted to contact the registrar professor Dr. Md. Saifur Rahman could not be found.
Earlier last Thursday, teachers-officers-employees and ordinary students demonstrated on the campus demanding the resignation of the mentioned officials. At that time, the protesters tore down all the pictures of the VC’s photo on the news board in the administrative building along with the nameplates of the office of the VC and others.