The interim government has decided to withdraw the false cases filed under the Cyber Security Act 2023 at the earliest. The decision was taken at a meeting held on Saturday (August 10) with officials of the Law and Judiciary Department in the Ministry’s conference room. Apart from Asif Nazrul, Adviser to the Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, concerned officials were also present at the meeting.
According to the decision of the meeting, arrangements will be made to provide support to the victims in the false and harassing cases on the ‘16430’ hotline number of the Law and Justice Department.
In addition, decisions have been taken to bring them under speedy trial who were involved in the killings that took place to suppress the mass movement of the students in July-August; the withdrawal of the criminal cases filed to suppress the mass movement of the students from July 1 to August 5 within the next three working days; and arrangements will be made to release the children and youths who are detained in juvenile development centers on false and harassing cases within the next three working days.
In a video message posted on his verified Facebook page at around 1 am, Asif Nazrul wrote, ‘As far as I know, I assure you that the demand of the students was regarding the resignation of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and some other judges. They have no program in the case of lower courts.’
“I request the protesting students not to vandalize the district courts,” he said. There is no need for siege.’
Asif Nazrul said, even in the current situation, the lower court judges are working. They have assured that they will come out of the mistakes that have happened in the past. He called for ensuring security in the lower court.