After five hours of being closed, social media Facebook and Messenger have been launched again on the mobile internet. But Telegram is still closed. According to sources, Facebook and Messenger started working after 7 pm on Friday, but due to procedural reasons, it will take some time to start working. Meanwhile, there are complaints of slow broadband internet speed since evening.
Sources concerned on the condition of anonymity said that this step was taken in the interest of national security so as not to spread rumors surrounding the ongoing movement. And it has been implemented since the students, masses and people of various professions started a protest from the National Press Club to the Central Shaheed Minar. People that time had problems using Facebook, Messenger and Instagram and WhatsApp. Photos were not being uploaded to Instagram. In the same way, even though WhatsApp rings, the connection fails.
Meanwhile, the apps of Meta were relaunched after the mass rally demanded the end of mass arrests, the trial of the July Massacre, the release of detained students, the lifting of curfew, the opening of all educational institutions and the resignation of the current government for the killing of numerous students by Sunday (August 4).
Earlier, Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram and TikTok were closed for two weeks from the night of July 17, when the violence broke out in the quota reform movement. Later, on July 31, after 2 pm, these social media were re-opened.
On the same day at noon, the Minister of State for Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology Zunaid Ahmed Palak said that the government had requested Facebook, TikTok, YouTube to remove the content during the movement. From July 16 to 18, Facebook removed more than 13 percent of content against government requests and from July 25 to 27, more than 7 percent. YouTube removed about 21 percent from July 17 to July 26. TikTok removed about 68 percent.