The colonial pipeline was closed for six days last May due to a ransomware attack. A few days later, the food processing company JBS USA was the victim of a cyber attack.
The attack did not stop in June even. Rather doubled. At least four major US companies have been victims of cyberattacks. These include ‘high-profile’ companies like McDonald’s and Peloton, a manufacturer of equipment for physical exercise.
Earlier this month, hackers leaked the personal information of customers and employees of a fast-food chain McDonald’s in South Korea and Taiwan.
In early June, Peloton bike users faced a new security threat related to the touchscreen in the wake of hackers.
Electronic Arts (EA), one of the world’s largest video game publishers, has been attacked too. Earlier this month, hackers broke into the company’s system and stole the source code used in the company’s games. On June 6, hackers removed about 780 gigabytes of data from EA.
Similarly, hacking has led to the theft of basic contact information of more than 3 million Volkswagen and Audi customers. This has led to leaks of contact information to customers in the United States and Canada, as well as personal information, such as the driver’s license number of some individuals.