On Monday in the afternoon, getting the news of fleeing Sheikh Hasina after resigning from the office of Prime Minister, 50 policemen who were on duty at the University Vice-Chancellor’s residence of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology in Sylhet were detained and were later released at night. However, the mural portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman installed in the campus was demolished at midnight.
Proctor of the university Prof. Kamruzzaman Chowdhury said, “The security personnel said that some armed motorcycle riders entered the campus at night and vandalized the buildings. We informed the police-administration after receiving the news. The identity of those involved in this incident has not been identified.
On the other hand, he said about the detained policemen, with the help of some teachers of the university and the coordinators of the anti-discrimination student movement of SUST, some policemen in plain clothes escaped from the blockade. Later, at around 10 pm, when the army convoy arrived, the rest of the policemen were safely evacuated.
Two security personnel on duty in the campus said that around 12 o’clock on Monday night, more than a hundred bikers entered the university through the back pocket gate. Almost all of them were wearing helmets and face masks. They first tried to vandalize Chetona-71 sculpture by hitting it with indigenous weapons. Then they vandalized the mural portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Later they left the campus through the same route. The security personnel said that they did not recognize anyone.